
A command line job manager with flexible support for retries, timeouts, logging, notifications, and more.

Package on PyPI Code on GitHub

Jobman saves you time and frustration on the command line. Using Jobman to run a command, your command

  • runs in the background immune to hangups
  • logs stdout and stderr
  • retrying commands
  • aborting commands after timeout
  • delaying command execution for a specified time or event
  • sending notifications on command success or failure


Jobman runs on UNIX-like operating systems including Linux and MacOS. Windows is not supported.

Jobman requires Python3.9+.


Install or upgrade from PyPI with

$ pip install -U jobman


The example below uses jobman to run a Python script in the background and immune to hangups (e.g., a SIGHUP from an SSH timeout).

Jobman will ensure 60 seconds have passed and that the file data.csv exists before starting the program. If those conditions haven’t been met by 5:00PM on March 5, 2032, jobman will abort the job.

Jobman will retry the program up to five times until there’s one successful run, defined as an exit code of 0 or 42, waiting ten seconds between retries.

If the job succeeds, jobman will send a notification email. If the job fails, jobman will send an SMS message.

$ jobman \
    --wait-duration 60s --wait-for-file data.csv \
    --abort-time "2032-03-05T17:00:00" \
    --retry-attempts 5 --retry-delay 10s -c 0 -c 42  \
    --notify-on-job-success my-email --notify-on-job-failure my-cell \

After submitting the job above, use jobman show to display details on job progress:

jobman show 12e4b604

To view a running log of the consolidated stdout and stderr streams of the latest run of the job, use jobman logs:

jobman logs 12e4b604 --follow